
June 29, 2012

Dear Jane 5 & 6 & 7 & 8

My plan was to have my Dear Jane blocks ready on Wednesday (since that's when I posted the first two times). This week that didn't happen, but when I finally got around to making them, I just as well made next week's blocks at the same time. I have to say I am regretting choosing all 9-patch blocks for the first 10 (of 169), because I am getting a bit bored with them... But I think the last 2 will be more fun, because they have a little more variation in the method of construction. Next week, however, I will take off from Dear Jane and make something else that's been on my list for a while. Something fresh and fun...

Here are my newest 4 blocks (C3, J6, C12, J7):
Dear Jane C3 Dear Jane J6 Dear Jane C12 Dear Jane J7

Jeg var litt sent ute med denne ukas Dear Jane lapper, så jeg lagde like så godt neste ukers lapper med det samme. Jeg angrer litt på at jeg valgte kun 9-patch lapper til de første 10 (av 169 lapper), for de siste har vært litt kjedelige/like. Men de siste 2 har litt mer variasjon, så da kommer nok motivasjonen opp igjen. Neste uke tar jeg dog fri fra Dear Jane og bruker heller tiden på å sy noe annet som har være på lista mi en stund. Noe festlig og fresht...

Happy Weekend/God Helg - Marit

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