
July 09, 2012

Elephant Zip Bag - fixed and done!

Hello and Happy Monday to you! In my last post, all I could share was a sad photo of a project that needed to get acquainted with my seam ripper. Now I am happy to report that the project is mended and completed. Yay!
Hallo og God Mandag! I siste innlegg hadde jeg bare et trist bilde av et prosjekt som skulle utsettes for sprettekniven. Nå kan jeg med glede rapportere at prosjektet er fikset og ferdig - hurra!

Elephant Zip Pouch front Elephant Zip Pouch back

Here are some details about the project:
La meg fortelle litt mer om den:

Pattern - Perfect Zip Bag option C by Elizabeth Hartman. This is the first pouch I've made from this pattern and I am quite pleased. The instructions are thorough and lead to a nicely finished product.
Mønster - Perfect Zip Bag variant C av Elizabeth Hartman. Dette er første tasken jeg lager med dette mønsteret og jeg er ganske så fornøyd. Mønsteret var godt forklart og førte til et fint sluttprodukt.

Fabric - Various prints from Tradewinds by Moda. I only had fabric to get one centered elephant, therefore I chose a coordinating fabric for the back. The lining is a bit more colorful.
Stoff - Diverse trykk fra Tradewinds fra Moda. Jeg hadde bare nok stoff til å ha en sentrert elefant, derfor valgte jeg et koordinerende stoff for baksiden. Fôret er litt mer fargerikt.
Elephant Zip Pouch lining

Favorite part - The fact that the zipper really did turn out quite perfect - much nicer than I've ever achieved before!
Favorittdel - At glidelåsen faktisk ble ganske så perfect - mye penere enn jeg har fått til før i alle fall!
Elephant Zip Pouch zipper detail

Overall I don't have any least favorite parts about this project. Besides that I had to get out the seam ripper... I guess my only regret would be that I didn't have a zipper with a puller I could attach a tab or handle to, like the version in the pattern had. That would have given the pouch a little extra interest.
Jeg har ikke så mye her jeg ikke er fornøyd med. Bortsett fra at jeg måtte frem med sprettekniven... Jeg antar det eneste jeg skulle ønske var at jeg hadde en glidelås jeg kunne festet et håndtak på slik originalen på mønsteret hadde. Det ville gitt tasken det lille ekstra.

I would recommend this pattern to anyone wanting to make pouches with a professional finish - it is very good! I have a feeling this will be my go-to pattern for pouches in the future, and the patterns can easily be adapted to any size you wish. This pouch will be making its way to a good friend of mine who I instantly thought of when I picked out the elephant print (she had a Hindu wedding and had elephants on her invitations and also as place card holders).
Jeg vil anbefale dette mønsteret til alle som ønsker å lage tasker med et profesjonelt finish - det var veldig bra! Jeg har på følelsen at dette vil bli mitt grunnmønster for tasker jeg lager i fremtiden og mønstrene kan enkelt justeres i størrelse. Denne tasken skal sendes til ei god venninne som hadde et hindu-bryllup og hadde elefanter på invitasjonene og som holdere for navneskiltene i bryllupet.

Today I am linking up to Plum and June's Let's Get Acquainted Monday Link Up. Sorry I don't have any tutorials for you yet, my blog is so new!!! If you leave a comment, why don't you let me know what your favorite bag or pouch pattern is? Or any comment you wish, really...


  1. This a very lovely pouch! I love the Tradewinds collection!

  2. Great pouch and your zipper looks great. Hm, I'll have to think about where I've seen some bag patterns. I know a lot of blogger's have made bags by noodle head recently but I haven't tried yet. I posted a bag tutorial on my blog a few months ago. If I think of some more, I'll let you know.


I love comments! Kind words, helpful tips, just a hello or share your thoughts - let me know you've visited!