
August 06, 2012

A sunny, rainy day pouch

If you haven't noticed (or didn't read my rambling blog post last week), paper piecing seems to be very "in" now. Kristy at Quiet Play is hosting the Practically Paper Piecing Blog Hop now in August and if you follow her or me, you may have seen this cute umbrella pouch that she designed and made.
Papirsøm er virkelig populært for tiden og forrige uke ble jeg inspirert av denne søte paraplypungen som Kristy hos Quiet Play hadde designed og sydd.

My little sister lives in a very, very rainy city, so I thought this would be the perfect gift for her (although she is only 22 and possibly too cool to carry around home made gifts...).
Lillesøsteren min bor i Bergen og jeg tenkte dette ville være den perfekte gave for henne (selv om hun bare er 22 og kanskje for kul til å bruke hjemmelagde gaver...).

I drafted my own umbrella with pencil on paper and decided to use some citrus colored fabrics (to keep it cheerful and fresh) from my stash - here is the result:
Jeg tegnet opp min egen paraply og bestemte meg for å bruke noe sitrusfarget stoff jeg hadde (ville at det skulle være lystig og fresht) - og her er resultatet:

Umbrella pouch front

Umbrella pouch top

Umbrella pouch back

What I love about this project:

  • color combination
  • cute umbrella
  • yellow herringbone fabric from Riley Blake (on of my favorite near solid fabrics, I have it in red and green too)
  • jelly bean fabric on back (can't remember designer, but got it from Sew Mama Sew)
  • using Elizabeth Hartman's Perfect Zip Bag pattern, resulting in an oh-so-neat finish.

Mest fornøyd med: Fargekombinasjon, søt paraply, det gule stoffet (et av favorittene mine, har det også i rødt og grønt), jelly bean stoffet på baksiden, Elizabeth Hartmans Perfect Zip Bag mønster som gir en veldig fin finish.

What I'd do differently

  • not much - the solid background fabric on the umbrella block did not have the same shade on the front on back. I didn't notice until I was almost done with the block, so I left it. 
  • I should probably have been better at cutting off the dark seam allowances on the handle, so that the dark brown fabric didn't show through. 
  • and I forgot about reversing the pattern, so I made an umbrella for a lefty.

Hva jeg ville endret på: Ikke så mye. Bakgrunnsstoffet på paraplyen hadde ikke samme farge på begge siden, og det så jeg ikke før det var for sent. Jeg burde ha klippet av mer av sømmonnet på det mørkebrune stoffet så det ikke viste igjennom. Og jeg glemte å speilvende mønsteret, så paraplyen ble til en venstrehendt.

All in all I really liked this pouch and I hope my sister likes it too! Or she better give it back!
Men i det store og det hele ble jeg veldig fornøyd og jeg håper søsteren min liker den også. Ellers vil jeg ha den tilbake!

Today I am linking up with Beth at Plum and June for her Let's Get Acquainted! Monday Link Up. Beth is hosting a blog hop for bloggers to get acquainted all summer and fall, so head over and see what's up this week.
Plum and June


  1. That's such a fun design - it's really lovely!

  2. You have made this a very cheery pouch - and I do hope it get's used too.

  3. Oh your pouch turned out beautifully! I'm sure your sister will love it - so sweet and cheery!!

  4. That's a pretty pouch and I'm sure your sister will cherish it!

  5. Popping over from Plum and June. Your pouch turned out lovely!

  6. Marit, this is absolutely adorable. You should link up to Canoe Ridge Creations too!! I love it!

  7. This is so cute, I love the herringbone fabric! I love the finish of the pouch, so neat...

  8. This is so cute. I love the colors. The unbrella is so detailed.


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