
August 20, 2012

I heart IKEA (fabrics)

Even though we live in a big house, our baby girl does not have her own room. The house has been remodeled from single family to duplex to single family to duplex and will soon be converted back to single family. We don't need two kitchens, two dining rooms and two entry halls. What we do need is more bedrooms!
Selv om vi har et stort hus har ikke lille gullet eget rom. Huset har blitt ombygd fra enebolig til tomannsbolig til enebolig til tomannsbolig og vil snart bli enebolig igjen. Vi trenger ikke to kjøkken, to spisestuer og to entreer. Det vi trenger er flere soverom!

Until we get the remodelling done (next year, we hope), baby girl has to sleep in a "public" area of the house. We needed something to screen her part of the room, but all the folding screens we found were more expensive than we liked for a temporary solution and hubby didn't feel like a carpentry project.
Frem til vi får bygget om (neste år) må gullet sove i et "offentlig" område av huset og vi trenger noe å skjerme av hjørnet hennes. Alle skjermveggene vi fant var dyre og mannen hadde ikke lyst til å snekre noe.

So what did we do?
Så hva gjorde vi da?

Took one of these:
Tok en slik:

Added some of this:
Pluss noe av dette:

And ended up with this:
Og endte opp med denne:

Okay, maybe not the fanciest of all screen walls, but it will certainly do the job and I love the colors in the fabric. So much I will probably use it for color inspiration for baby girl's future room. The top photo probably shows the colors most accurately...
Ikke den flotteste skjermveggen, men den gjør jobben og jeg syns fargene i stoffet er fine (øverste bildet er mest korrekt). Så jeg kommer nok til å bruke det som inspirasjon for fargene i hennes fremtidige rom.

And while in the IKEA fabric department I picked up this fabric I blogged about last Thursday. The plan is to possibly "color" in some of the designs with embroidery and/or fabric paint/markers. Here are some outtakes of the design:
Mens vi var i stoffavdelingen kjøpte jeg også noe av dette stoffet jeg skrev om på torsdag. Planen er å fargelegge noen av delene med broderi og/eller stoffmaling/tusjer. Her er noen av skissene på stoffet:

Farm scene

Wind mills

Teepee, igloo, candy factory (?), bird singing about ice cream (?)

Rockets, planets and a light post...


Cute little doggy!

There are flowers growing out of the down spout!

Large castle and fort

Boats, a crab and some cherries...

Can you believe the variety of doodles they fit on one fabric?!? And this is only a small part of it! Now I just need to find out what to do with this fabric and then find the time to do it!
Kan du tro alt det rare de har fått plass til på ett stoff?!? Og dette er bare en liten del av det! Nå må jeg bare finne ut hva jeg skal gjøre med stoffet og så finne tid til å gjøre det!

How do you feel about IKEA? Sometimes I love it, sometimes I don't...
Hva syns du om IKEA. Noen ganger elsker jeg det, andre ganger ikke...

Linking up to the Let's get Acquainted! Monday Link Up at Plum and June.
Plum and June


  1. Skjermen ble kjempefin! Og stoffet fra IKEA er helt topp. Jeg eeeeeelsker IKEA, men mannen min blir ikke med dit om han får betalt engang:-) Det hender han må bli med, men da må vi reise innom en eller annen villmarksbutikk etterpå, som kompensasjon.

  2. That's a very clever screen! Good for you on the problem solving. I can't wait to see what you do with that fabric. I don't really know how I feel about IKEA because I haven't been to one! :-)

  3. I really like those white prints with the little drawings. Have fun creating something fun!

  4. Oh, I NEED some of that fabric!!! The closest IKEA is three hours away!!

  5. I love your baby screen and your colouring in Ikea fabric is great. I used to live near to an Ikea and I liked their fabrics and homewares but not so much the furniture. I wish they sold online.

  6. Love the print you've used for the baby screen and what a great idea too! Look forward to seeing your embroidery work on that lovely print from Ikea. Have fun stitching. ;)

  7. I love IKEA! Cheap and cheerful and sometimes ahead of the game with some designs. Howev I would like a IKEA house, so we have managed a mix of antiques, IKEA and designer pieces... Or is it what happen when you put 2 flats together? Love love the fabric..

  8. I so need some of that Ikea fabric! I could hours of fun just looking at it. Good luck with the house renovation.

  9. Great new blog.. Love all your cute creation.. Am a new follower hoping to see more great inspiration.. Thank you for sharing..


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