
September 09, 2012

Snappy toddler top

I used to think I'd sew all sorts of adorable outfits for my baby, but cute and cheap clothing from H&M has proved me wrong.
Før trodde jeg at jeg skulle sy masse fine klær til babyen min, men alle de søte og billige alternativene hos H&M har motbevist dette.

Last week, however, I decided to make a little top for my girl to wear at a family gathering. I decided to follow this pattern/tutorial from Prudent Baby. Although only 7 months old, I used the pattern for 12-18 months (she's quite high on the growth chart). The fabric I used was Terrain by Kate Spain for Moda.
Men forrige uke bestemte jeg meg for å sy en liten topp for henne å ha på seg i et familieselskap. Jeg brukte dette gratismønsteret fra Prudent Baby og lagde størrelse 12-18 mnd siden lillejenta er litt stor. Stoffet er Terrain designet av Kate Spain for Moda.
Snappy toddler top front

The top turned out really cute. My only difficulty was in attaching the collar to the body while keeping the seam allowance of the body INSIDE the collar. After a few turns with the seam ripper it finally worked out. Happy my thread matched the fabric so nicely so all my "fixing" didn't show!
Toppen ble kjempesøt - eneste vanskelige var å holde sømmonnet på kjoledelen inni kraven da den skulle sys på. Etter et par runder med sprettekniven ble det bra og takk og lov for at trådfargen matchet så bra, for det ble en del fiksing!
Snappy toddler top detail

All finished up it was time to try it on my little girl. And it was almost too small!!! Her chubby little arms fit just so in the opening - no room to grow:(
Da den var ferdig og skulle prøves på lillejenta var den nesten for liten!!! De lubne små armene hennes passet akkurat inn i armhullet - ikke noe vokserom:(

Well, here she is - more concerned about seeing which guests were arriving then posing for the camera. And I was lucky to find coordinating pink legging at H&M!
Og her er hun - mer opptatt av å se hvilke gjester som kom enn å posere for kamera. Og jeg var heldig som fant noen matchende rosa leggings på H&M!
Snappy toddler top on baby

I'd like to make this pattern/style again, but will for sure have to make some ammendments for this little chunker!
Jeg kan tenkte meg å sy noe i dette mønsteret/stilen igjen, men må absolutt gjøre noen justeringer for denne lille bolla!

Linking up to:
Plum and June

Blogs to visit this week on the Let's Get Acquainted Blog Hop:
Sep 11
        Anne from SpringLeaf Studios
         Kristy from Cotton Addiction
 Sep 13
         Julie from That's Sew Julie
         Chelsea from Pins and Bobbins

Thanks to Beth for hosting!


  1. She looks adorable in it! Sewing clothing has been on my must make list but have yet to try it out! You've done a fantastic job with your first and I'm sure your second piece will be a breeze to sew. =)

  2. Super cute! And the top is cute too. Good job. That's why I'm always leery of making things for my granddaughter. I'm always afraid I'll put in all that time and it won't fit. Or now that she has an opinion, that she won't like it...

  3. such a gorgeous top (and what a beautiful baby - I LOVE that she's trying to peek at who's arriving!!). I love Kate Spain fabrics, they look so lovely in this top. The most I managed to make for my daughters when they were little were elastic-waisted skirts - I've just never managed to garment-sew! see you, Cat.


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