
October 29, 2012

Out of my comfort zone

If you've been seen almost any of my work, you will know that I like bright colors and geometric patterns. But somehow, the Feather Bed Quilt Pattern by Anna Maria Horner, caught my attention and became something I had to try.
Hvis du har sett noe av det jeg har lagd tidligere, vet du at jeg liker klare farger og geometriske mønstre. Men da jeg fikk øye på dette fjær-mønsteret av Anna Maria Horner ble det etter hvert noe jeg måtte prøve.

Here are some variations made by AMH herself and various other bloggers.
Her er noen varianter lagd av Anna Maria og diverse andre bloggere.
AMH Feather Quilt Mosaic

Not only am I stepping away from my usual geometricness, I am also using fabrics that are not my usual self. Here are my first two feathers (I only plan on making four). I think they will turn into an autumnal table runner/topper.
Ikke bare har jeg gått bort ifra mitt vanlige geometriskhet, men jeg har brukt farger som heller ikke er helt meg. Her er mine første to fjær (jeg skal bare lage fire). Jeg tror det blir en høstløper.

Lining up the angled pattern pieces and working with a wobbly linen blend was a little bit tricky, but the blocks can easily be trimmed at the end.
Det var litt vanskelig å få de skjeve delene (i en "nervøs" linmix) til å møte opp helt korrekt, men blokkene kan enkelt rettes opp til slutt.

The feathers are enormous - the block is 16" long and the feather is just a little bit shorter!
Fjærene er digre - rett under 40 cm lange!

I had intended on making a thank-you gift for my grandparents out of this, but I think I will keep these for myself. That means I need to add something else on my to-do list...
Jeg hadde tenkt å lage en takkegave til besteforeldrene mine med disse, men jeg tror jeg beholder de selv. Det betyr at jeg må føre på noe til på gjøre-listen min...

Linking up to:
Plum and June


  1. Beautiful feathers - they will be perfect for an Autumn runner!

  2. I love this pattern, love the colours you chose!

  3. Those look great! I love those fabrics - I have several of those in a pile right now for a project I'm planning.

  4. Quite a jump out of your comfort zone I see. Well they look great so far, and I agree they would make a fun table runner! I also like that fabric you chose for the stem.
    Happy sewing!

  5. Marit the blocks are gorgeous. I love your fabric choices. Is it difficult to make. I had my on eye on that pattern from Ana Maria Horner for a while, but I feel a bit intimidated.

  6. The orange feather blocks are simply beautiful.

  7. Your feathers are amazing. I just finished one for a bee! Love yours!!

  8. These look beautiful. The feather blocks are on my to do list.


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