
November 16, 2012

Happy Mail (outgoing)

I've been sponsoring the Norwegian postal system big time this week, sending out several packages to the US. Hopefully they will make the recipients happy upon arrival!
Denne uken har jeg virkelig sponset Posten ved å sende flere pakker til USA. Håper mottakerne blir glade når de kommer frem!

1) 3 blocks for Jennifer of Knotted Thread for her Hurrican Sandy Help quilts. A drop in her bucket of blocks rolling in, but nice to contribute. She may still be looking for donations of backing, batting and binding - her flickr group is here. With so many blocks being donated I decided to donate backing and batting for a quilt as well as making these 3 blocks.
3 lapper til Jennifer hos Knotted Thread som skal sy tepper til familier rammet av orkanen Sandy på østkysten av USA.

2) Not-so-Zakka-Style Potholders - these are a thank you gift for my grandparents who hosted a large party for our daughter's baptism in May. Pattern is from the Zakka Style book, but these definately have a different style:)
Grytekluter som takkegave til besteforeldrene mine som var vertskap for vår datter sin dåpsfest i mai.


3) Finally got this baby quilt and little pouch sent off to my best friend from high school who just had a baby. The pouch is for my friend (she had a hindu wedding with elephants and pink being a part of the theme/decor, so I had to give her this little pouch!).
Babyteppe og liten glidelåspung til ei god venninne som nettopp fikk en baby.


Elephant Zip Pouch front

And I just received notice that I will be getting some happy mail myself soon, because I WON a layer cake of Odds and Ends over at Lily's Quilts. Weee! Happy Friday to me:)
Og jeg fikk akkurat vite at jeg får litt gladpost selv snart fordi JEG VANT en "layer cake" (42 ruter á 10"x10") av Odds and Ends stoff fra Lily's Quilts. Tjo ho! God fredag til meg:)

And Happy Friday to you too!
Og god fredag til deg og!


  1. The recipients of all your makings should all be very happy! How lovely to win a giveaway! What a nice treat to look forward to when you can claim a bit of sewing time.

  2. Congratulations on the win, and for keeping the postal system out of bankruptcy.

  3. Awesome pouch! I'm sure you friend will love it - especially given the connection with her wedding. Yay for happy mail!

  4. Congraatulations on the win! Great finishes the recipients will be very happy. I also just sent my blocks to Jennifer (what a great cause)

  5. Flinke vennen :-) God fredag til deg også!

  6. The baby quilt is beautiful and I love that pouch!

  7. Congratulations on your win! Those are very lovely makes, Marit! I'm sure they'll be very well received.


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