
February 25, 2013

Not my finest work...

When the package arrived with February's Mystery BOM from Fat Quarter Shop, I immediately saw it would be a pain to put together. I love HST's for their versatility, but when many points meet up it's a pain to get them alligned and to make the seam allowances to lay flat.
Da pakken kom med februar sin Mystery BOM så jeg at den kom til å bli kronglete. Alle spissene som skulle møtes opp og så de bulkete sømmonnene...

So here is my finished block - I did make a change in the construction and made flying geese out of the gray (as opposed to 2 HST's).
Så her er den ferdiglagde blokken.

The seams don't line up, the points are off/gone and it is in general very wonky and a bit bubbly, even after pressing the heck out of it.
Sømmene møtes ikke alltid der de skal og den er generelt litt skjev og bulkete (selv om jeg presset i vei).

I'll leave it at that. When it's all quilted and washed, I am sure no one can tell. For now, I am happy to be on track with these blocks:)
Jeg lar det være med det. Når teppet er quiltet og vasket er det sikkert ingen som merker noe av det. For nå skal jeg bare være glad for at jeg er a jour med disse blokkene:)

Linking up with:

BOMs Away at What a Hoot!
Let's Get Acquainted Monday Link-Up - hosted this week by Janice of Better off Thread
Plum and June


  1. This block looks great and it was a good idea to do do flying geese instead of two hsts :)

  2. Your block is beautiful! Choices of fabrics are so cheerful! Love the polka dots for the background.

  3. I can't tell now any of those wonkiness you stated. Looks great to me. One thing I've found with all those points is that I one the seams on some to make them lay flatter. Fabrics are pretty, too.

  4. Meant to say iron the seams open in my previous comment.

  5. It's a fab block anyway, and none of us are perfect, like you say, no-one else will even notice! :)

  6. Pretty :) There's no bubbliness there that won't disappear with quilting. Love the grays in flying geese instead of being broken. It gives it a cleaner look.

  7. It is a beautiful block Marit! I can't tell any of the wonkiness. It looks perfect to me.

  8. It really does look great - I've given up worrying about points and prefer to look at the overall effect and no-one ever notices...well except the quilt police and we don't worry about them.

  9. I don't see a wonk or a wobble in it at all. ANd like you said, if there is one it will all blend in after it's washed.

  10. It's great, and you are right, not even you will notice any tiny imperfections after it's washed!

  11. Looks flat & square to me! Love the fabric choices

  12. Your block looks perfect from here! Love your fabric and color selections!!

  13. I think your points match up just fine! It's a gorgeous block and unusual...I haven't seen anything like it before.

  14. You are being way to hard on yourself. It is a very pretty block. I found your blog thru BOM"s AWAY// Kathleen

  15. Your fabric choice for the block is perfect as well as piecing - all points match well!

  16. I struggled to find the problems you listed with your block! It looks fab! It's not easy, but don't be so hard on yourself :) Can't wait to see the starburst quilt finished!!


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