
May 08, 2013

WiP Wednesday

First of all - THANK YOU to everyone who has entered my Sew Mama Sew giveaways and become new followers. I am overwhelmed at the response and have enjoyed reading all your responses. There is no way I will have time to respond to all the comments, but I do look forward getting to know you when life on my blog returns to normal!

So, I have actually been working on some projects the last couple of days. I have 2 nieces with birthdays this weekend and we're celebrating them tomorrow. I wanted to make them some cool pillows - I probably should have started earlier...

DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY - for niece turning 13

I really felt inspired on this one! Started with a printed panel (from Cat & Vee - I'll share more about that awesome duo when the pillows are done), some solids and a very detailed plan.

During cutting I decided the teal had to be replaced by a highlighter green.

Got the frame assembled and panel cut to size - looking pretty cool! Oh, no! The panel was cut too small! My seam allowances were way off last night.

Phew! Fixed with a small neon green border. I love it!

Now - just need to assemble the back and this baby is done (no time for quilting).

PIPSQEAK - for niece turning 8

Once again, started with a panel (also from Cat & Vee) - this time of a super cute doggy named Pipsqueak, some solids and a polka dot print. Unfortunately, not feeling inspired, but constrained by my time limit...

Worked my way out from the center (again, switching out one of the colors) and ended with this.

I am telling myself that the adorable Mr. Pipsqeak is cute enough to make up for the simple design. I hope the recipient doesn't think we love her sister more...

It's a good thing tomorrow is a public holiday here in Norway, because these need to be finished and wrapped by 4pm tomorrow and it's past today's sewing curfew (I can't sew after 10pm - it just doesn't end well)

Linking up with:


  1. Super cute pillows. Your nieces will love them.

  2. These are very cute! I hope they are well received!

  3. I think they are both beautiful (and non-quilty people don't really understand the difference in what takes a lot of effort and what doesn't take so much) xxx

  4. They're both gorgeous, and it doesn't have to be complicated to be loved! :o)

  5. I love them both!

  6. I think they will both be adored in equal measure. They look great ;)

  7. Great blocks! Love the dancing one.

  8. Looking great so far...looking forward to hearing more about those panels when you get the time :)

  9. I really really love the Dance Top... It,s going to be so great!

  10. Oh, Marit, these are fabulous!! I'm sure the recipients will adore them. And I can't sew past 10 p.m. either.

  11. These are amazing - LOVE the HSTs ones!

  12. I really love the dancing block! Very nice.

  13. I love the panels and pillows! The bright green is just perfect, and I'm glad you made the cutting mistake, because the little green border is perfect. I can't sew at night either.


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