
February 05, 2013

It had me fooled

It started with spotting this lovely bubble print and thinking it would be cute in a baby quilt:
Det begynte med at jeg så dette stoffet og tenkte "babyteppe":

Specifically, I thought the fabric line - Salt Air by Cosmo Cricket for Moda - would be perfect for a quilt for my nephew (who I didn't know yet would be a nephew so I wanted something gender neutral). For some reason I ordered the full fat quarter bundle even though that was way more than I would need and I was in no way in love with the fabric.
Jeg tenkte faktisk at stoffkolleksjonen vil passe til et babyteppe til en nevø jeg ennå ikke visste var nevø så jeg ville ha noe kjønnsnøytralt. Av en eller annen grunn bestilte jeg alt for mye for ett babyteppe selv om jeg ikke var helt forelsket i stoffet.

The fabrics arrived and they were nice, but a bit too much blue and green for my general taste. Then my sister-in-law said she preferred a more gender specific option I shower her and I had this huge pile of fabric with no purpose. And I wasn't really sure I loved it all that much. Waste of money, I thought to myself.
Stoffene kom og de var fine, men det var litt for mye blått og grønt for min smak. Og så sa svigerinnen at hun foretrakk noe annet stoff til lille nevø. Og jeg var fortsatt ikke sikker på at jeg likte stoffene så mye. Bortkastede penger, tenkte jeg.

About a month later Susan showed this triangle quilt on her blog and the fabric all of a sudden appealed to me again. And I realized that despite the bubbles, this did not need to be used for a child's quilt.
En måned senere så jeg dette teppet på Susan sin blogg og stoffene virket fine igjen. Og jeg så at de trengte så absolutt ikke bli brukt i et barneteppe.
Photo from Susan's blog post here.

So I started cutting into it for my Starburst quilt - so far I only have a photo of one block laid out to show, but I do have all 4 blocks sewn together.
Så jeg begynte å bruke de i Starburst teppet jeg jobber med.

And then I saw this pillow made by Deborah:
Så fikk jeg øye på denne puten lagd av Deborah:
Photo from Deborah's blog post here.

Which makes me think "maybe I love this fabric". And it's a good thing, because I have A LOT of it left!
Som fikk meg til å lure på om jeg faktisk elsker dette stoffet. Og det er jo bra for jeg har MASSE av det!

Susan called the fabric deceptive - it doesn't look like much until you actually put it to use and then it somehow comes to life.
Susan kalte stoffet misvisende - det ser ikke ut som noe spesielt før man faktisk bruker det og det vekkes til live.

Yes, it had me fooled!
Ja, jeg ble lurt!


  1. Thanks for showing my quilt. Yours will be gorgeous. Enjoy the Salt Air now you have found a liking for it too.

  2. ooh, don't make me like another fabric! can't wait to see more of your star blocks.

  3. Thanks, too for showing my pillow! By the time I knew I wanted this fabric, it was really hard to find. I got two charm packs and now I have only one left! I think you're lucky you got so much!

  4. So beautiful! Salt air is gorgeous

  5. Glad it has grown on you. The first block looks lovely

  6. I thought the same thing when I got a charm pack of it, but it does grow on you and your project will be great.


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