
February 04, 2013


No, not in a celebrity way - I couldn't care less about famous people! But in a quilty way (of course)!
Nei, det er ikke kjendis-stjerner jeg bryr meg om, men quilte-stjerner (selvfølgelig)!

I've been seeing so many cool star quilts and really wanted to make one for myself. Maybe several different star quilts. I think I have a thing for them...
Jeg har sett så mange stilige stjernequilter og har villet lage et selv. Kanskje flere - tror jeg har dilla på stjernemønster...

So last week when my California Cherry Blossom quilt was misbehaving (it needs an evening with the seam ripper now) I decided I needed to start something new NOW and it should include stars.
Så forrige uke da California Cherry Blossom teppet mitt var rampete (trenger en kveld med sprettekniven nå) bestemte jeg at jeg skulle starte noe nytt NÅ og det skulle ha stjerner.

Enter the Starburst pattern/tutorial by Melissa at Happy Quilting - and what do you know - she is in the middle of hosting a quilt-along for that very quilt. I was about 3 weeks behind and decided to catch up (because I couldn't NOT join).
Så da ble det dette Starburst mønsteret - og oppfinneren var midt i en quilt-along som jeg bare måtte ble med på (selv om jeg var 3 uker på etterskudd).

So these were my last 4 sewing days:
Så dette var mine siste 4 sydager:

Thursday evening - select fabrics (Salt Air by Cosmo Cricket for Moda) and cut, cut, cut
Torsdag kveld - velg stoff og skjær, skjær, skjær

Friday evening - some last cuts and mark all the diagonal lines for HSTs and such (booooring!)
Too boring to photograph.
Fredag kveld - skjær ferdig og merk alle diagonalene som trengte det (kjeeedelig!)

Saturday nap time - chain piece HSTs and Geese in the Corner
Lørdag formiddag - sy sammen masse deler

Sunday morning and nap time - press and trim HSTs and chain piece and press my Flying Geese.
Søndag formiddag - sy flere deler

Sunday evening - assembled the first block, but for now I only have a photo of the layout.
Søndag kveld - sydde sammen den første blokken, men for nå har jeg bare bilde av delene lagt utover.

So there - I am caught up! And let me say, I LOVE that this is coming together so quickly. And Melissa has a great way of sewing Flying Geese that makes no waste and makes 4 at a time! Check that tutorial out here - I generally hate sewing Flying Geese and this made it so much better.
Så der - jeg er a jour! Og jeg må si jeg liker hvor raskt dette går.

Those were my last few days of sewing. How was your weekend? Crafty?
Så det var sydagene jeg har hatt i helgen - hvordan var din helg? Kreativ?

Linking up with Beth at Plum and June for the Let's Get Acquainted Monday Link Up - a great place to meet new bloggy friends and get inspired:)


  1. They look beautiful!! I love salt air and the line fits the pattern perfectly!! So glad you joined in and you caught up so quickly!!

  2. That came together quite nicely. Thank you for suggesting that tutorial for flying geese. I hate to see all that waste when doing flying geese.

  3. I love your star - it's beautiful in the fabrics you have chosen. I was just reading the latest post before I got to yours and I'm quite tempted to join in myself but realistically don't really have the time. I shall ponder but you have inspired me.

  4. I'm a sucker for a star quilt too. This is a great looking star.

  5. It's really beautiful. I love all stars, but these are great. Your fabric choices are really awesome!

  6. Very pretty Marit. It will be lovely. I got lots of sewing done too ; )

  7. great fabrics! it will be fun to watch you do this QAL!

  8. I think we are all in awe of your fabric choices! In fact, I am a wee bit envious..... Love your work shown in your post and your banner. Have fun with the stars!


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