March 30, 2013

TGIFF Giveaway Winner

Mr. made it's selection and we have a winner of the Sweetwater Reunion charm pack from my TGIFF giveaway.

Congratulations, Taryn! I'll e-mail you to get your mailing address.

Happy Easter!

March 25, 2013

Where is springtime?

It is still cold and snowy here in Norway and I can't blame the geese for flying in circles down south in stead of returning here.
Det er fortsatt kaldt og snø her i Norge og jeg skjønner godt at gjessene flyr i ring der sørpå i stedet for å vende tilbake hit.

But on a more positive note - I finished my Double Circle of Geese mini quilt/table topper last week and surprised my grandma with it today as a late birthday gift. She loves flying geese (of the quilted variety), so this was perfect for her!
Men det gode er at jeg ble ferdig med denne lille duken/mini quilten i forrige uke og overrasket min mormor med den i dag - en forsinket bursdagsgave. Hun elsker "flying geese" så dette var perfekt for henne!

As I only had a layer cake (10" squares) to work with, I had to get creative to make the borders.
Siden jeg bare hadde en "layer cake" (10" kvadrater) å jobbe med, måtte jeg bli kreativ med bordene.

I used more pieces from the layer cake on the back and added little corner pockets in case she wants to use it as a wall hanging.
Jeg brukte flere stykker fra "layer cake" pakken på baksiden og satte inn hjørnelommer i tilfelle stykket skulle henges på veggen.

You probably can't tell from the photos, but it took 11 cuts of fabric to make binding for this 21" square. So there are a lot of seams in the binding!
Det synes nok ikke i bildene, men det tok 11 stykker stoff for å lage lukkekant på denne lille duken. Det er mange skjøter i lukkekanten!

Fabric: Odds&Ends from Moda and Kona Snow
Pattern: Center block is called Windmill, designed by Lynne and can be found in this book
Finished size: Approx. 21" square

March 21, 2013

TGIFF! (my Cherry Blossom quilt is done)

Welcome to the TGIFF linky party! My name is Marit and I blog from the cold north (Oslo, Norway). I am so happy to have you here with me today and look forward to seeing what you all have to share!

My TGIFF project is one I am truly thankful for having completed! I cut the pieces for this last July and was just a total slow poke at getting it pieced. I finally got the top assembled in February and splurged on getting it quilted by a pro. What a treat! It just feels so strange to have something I sewed so perfectly quilted... But I can get used to it:)

So without further ado - here is my completed Cherry Blossom quilt! And yes - these photos are taken today. On snow. I said I lived in the cold north, right?






Size: Approx. 60"x60"
Pattern: Cherry Blossom from the book "With Fabric and Thread" by Joanna Figueroa
Fabric: California Girl from Moda with Kona Snow background and Kona Salmon binding
Quilted by: Merete Ellingsen of

And just to add to the Friday fun, I'm giving away a charm pack of Reunion by Sweetwater to one of you who link up (no matter where you live). I think this fabric is awesome, but I just can't find a project for it - so I hope one of you can give it some sewing love! 

Now - let's get this party started! Link up your finished beauties and then visit with the other party guests (don't be a party pooper). Please include a link back to this post and/or include the TGIFF button (found here) in your blog post so your visitors can come join the party.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

March 20, 2013

WIP Wednesday

Putting the final stitches on the binding of my Cherry Blossom quilt.

Full reveal of finished quilt will be shared on Friday, when I will be hosting the TGIFF linky party. Come join me, won't you? It's my first time hosting a linky party, so I'm a bit of a nervous hostess. But I will do my best to make everyone feel welcome:)

Linking up with
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

March 01, 2013

Fresh Sewing Day/Goal Setting - March

February felt like a good sewing month.

I started and finished a quilt - Starburst (Shine bright like a diamond)

I finally completed my Cherry Blossom quilt top (started this last summer) and I think it's being quilted today (outsourced)

I started on something small, just for fun

Did I make a birthday gift for my grandma? No comment. Her birthday hasn't been yet;

So what's in store for March?

1) Finish my Cherry Blossom quilt (all I will need to do is sew on binding) - this will be my Lovely Year of Finishes goal
2) Birthday gift for grandma - if it's not already done;)
3) I really want to sit down and figure out how to use my new serger (which I bought in November)

So nothing big - I hope I will have time to do some small, fun projects this month. It's the last month I'm home before becoming a working professional again. It will be strange to return to work, but good to start having a life outside the home again! My brain needs to think about other things than feeding, nap time and diaper changes. And I know the little girl will be in good hands - it's time for 12 weeks (paid) paternity leave for the mister. Yup, Norway's great like that:)

Linking up with:

Lily's Quilts
- See more at: