I think it was July when I first cut out the pieces for my Cherry Blossom quilt (pattern from Joanna Figueroa's book "With Fabric & Thread"), but progress has been lacking. I pieced one block in August. But last week I decided to add two more quilts to my WIPs and then I thought to myself "Marit, you have made less than a handful of quilts in the last 10 years and now you want to have 5 going at the same time?"
Jeg tror det var juli da jeg skjærte ut delene til Cherry Blossomquilten min, men det har vært liten fremgang. Jeg sydde sammen en rute i august. Men forrige uke kom to nye quilter på gjøre-listen min og da tenkte jeg "Marit, du har sydd bare noen få tepper de siste 10 årene og nå skal du ha 5 på gang samtidig?"
No, I don't want to have 5 going on at the same time. That would annoy the heck out of me. I wouldn't be able to go to sleep at night.
Nei, det vil jeg ikke. Jeg tror det vil gjøre meg helt sprø og holde meg våken om natta.
So... I decided to get a move on it with this quilt, so the quilt top gets completed, at least. I am considering getting it quilted by a professional (all the white/negative space scares me).
Så jeg fant ut at jeg burde få opp farta med dette teppet så jeg får ferdig toppen. Jeg vurderer å få dette quiltet av en profesjonell (er så mye hvitt og det skremmer meg).
Here are my 5 blocks so far:
Now, this is where I need help!
Det er nå jeg trenger hjelp!
The quilt has 9 blocks and I have 4 colors of blocks. I don't think random placement will look good. So I have to optional layout that I'd love to get your input on (note: the sashing will be in white with pink/red corner stones).
Teppet har 9 ruter og jeg har 4 farger på rutene. Jeg har to alternative plasseringer som jeg gjerne vil ha din tilbakemelding på.
Option 1 - using the intended blocks (the beige is a little warmer in real life)
Alt 1 - med fargene jeg hadde planlagt å bruke
Option 2 - skip the beige and use only 3 colors
Alt 2 - ta bort beige og bare bruk 3 farger
WWYD (What would you do)?
Hva ville du gjort?
On a side note - did you know that this Saturday, the 22nd of September, there are only 100 days left of the year? Do you have a long list of things you want to get done this year (or before Christmas)? Then you should join the 100 Day Hustle hosted by Kelsey of
Kelsey Sews. We're making our lists and checking them
twice off.